WikiAfrica Hour is a monthly vodcast to support the activities of the WikiAfrica movement and wikimedians across Africa.
In 2021, Wiki In Africa launched the WikiAfrica Hour. WikiAfrica Hour is a live broadcast, conversation-based monthly ‘vodcast’ that aims to reconnect, network, and drive sharing and collaborations across the continent. Until November 2023 the show was hosted by Ceslause Ogbonnaya. In 2024, we have invited guest hosts to add more voices from the host’s chair. The project is facilitated at Wiki In Africa by Donia Domiaty.
WikiAfrica Hour focuses on:
Sharing current updates, and highlights of African Wikimedians’ activities
Interacting with its guests and taking questions from community members
Promoting synergy within the Wiki community by discussing topics, projects, constraints, collaborations, and opportunities.
Explore this project in more detail and join the conversation at:
In this episode, guests who have had experience working on offline projects and initiatives will discuss their methods, digital divide, ways of housing and distributing static content, and what support is offered from the Wikimedia Foundation, chapters and user groups. We will also analyse examples of settled offline projects that serve Africa's Wikimedia communities and beyond.
In this episode, our guest host Justice Okai-Allotey will talk to some of the facilitators and community leaders of key African projects about what inspired them to found their projects.
This episode will shed light on conferences in the wikimedia community behind the scenes. We will discuss with guests, the different teams who are in charge of the approval of conferences and preparation of the resources and settings.
This special session of WikiAfrica Hour is dedicated to celebrating the 2024 Wiki Loves Africa International media contest winners. Under the theme Africa Creates, 14,000+ images, videos and audio were submitted.
WikiAfrica Hour's 38th Episode will discuss the most significant global meeting of wiki medians—Wikimania. Wikimania 2024 was recently held in Katowice, Poland, and will be held in Nairobi, Kenya, in 2025 and in Paris, France, in 2026. The panel and guests are exploring Wikimania's current and future vision related to partnerships and collaboration with others.
In this episode, we will discuss two platforms that bring people together in the Wikimedia movement: Africa Baraza and Wiki Causerie. We will discuss their similarities and differences, their goals, how the community has received these initiatives, and what we can look forward to in the future.
In this June 2024 episode of WikiAfrica Hour, we will discuss the Wikimedia movement's roles in sustainable development, what else the movement and communities have to do, and how to encourage communities to contribute more.
Is the Wikimedia Summit over? How will affiliates move the Wikimedia Movement forward? What is the status of the Movement Charter? In this episode of WikiAfrica Hour, guest host Erina Mukuta will ensure that our guests answer some of these questions.