Wiki Loves Women encourages the contribution of quality information on, about, and of interest to Africa’s women to be published on and made widely available via Wikipedia. The project bridges two significant gaps on Wikimedia projects – women and Africa – in terms of supporting the creation of content about these subjects and empowering participation by people from these groups.

When our stories are sidelined, then our lives are sidelined. So it is important that we always find spaces for our stories, our voices.

— Hilda Twongyeirewe speaks about writing as activism on Wiki Loves Women’s Inspiring Open podcast

Status: Active

Why Wiki Loves Women

Gender inequality is rife across Africa. The Wiki Loves Women project focuses on tackling this issue by bridging two significant gaps on Wikimedia projects – women and Africa – both in terms of content about these subjects and participation by people from these groups.

Using the GLAM model that works with civil society, media, and education organisations, Wiki Loves Women encourages the contribution of quality information on African women to be published on and made widely available via Wikipedia.

Wiki Loves Women’s Proof of Concept took place during 2016-7 in Côte d’Ivoire, Cameroon, Nigeria, and Ghana. The donated content specifically focuses on women’s contribution to the political, economic, scientific, cultural, and heritage landscape, as well as the current socio-political status of women, in each of these nations.

Furthermore, the project will encourage the activation and support of new and existing editors (both female and gender-sensitized male Wikipedians) in the focus countries.

The project documentation and its outcome are published under CC BY SA 4.0.

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