Chair of the Board • Co-Executive Director

A Zimbabwean by birth, and a Capetonian by adoption, Oxford-educated Isla Haddow-Flood is a project and communications strategist who is passionate about open access to knowledge and facilitating the growth of previously under-represented or ‘invisible’ communities to share their stories, experiences and voices with the world.

In a career that spans working to promote Africa’s filmmakers and artists, since 2011, Isla has been working to Activate Africa. Working with members of the WikiAfrica movement, she has conceptualised and instigated #OpenAfrica, Kumusha Bus and WikiEntrepreneur. She was co-lead of projects ground-breaking, Africa-focused projects such as Wiki Loves Africa (annual photographic contest) and Kumusha Takes Wiki. In 2016, Florence and Isla developed and launched Wiki Loves Women, Wikipack Africa, WikiFundi, and WikiChallenge African Schools. She also works part-time as Director of Communications for Open Education Global.

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